Of all the things Eric Fritz thought might happen after completing the Western States 100 endurance run in California, being a plumber wasn’t on the list. Yet, just a day […]
Eric Fritz waited 10 years for a second shot at the Western States 100, one of the most popular and challenging endurance races in the country. In 2012, Fritz completed […]
Martin Schneekloth of Huntsville added the Tahoe 200 ultramarathon to his list of successful events, finishing the 200-miler in a little more than three days. The event actually is 205 […]
Audrey Mahew completed the inaugural Cheaha Extreme Triathlon in a time of 14:47:55 to win by almost an hour in a field of 16 competitors. Mahew, 32, completed the course […]
MADISON, Ala. — John Murray finished in 19:06.67 to win The Big Run 5K on Wednesday at Palmer Park, with Melany Mioduszewski right behind to claim the women’s title. Mioduszewski, […]
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Gilbert Boit (above) won the 42nd Cotton Row Run 10K by one-hundredth of a second Monday in the closest finish in race history. Boit, of Arkansas, won […]
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Rocky Hansen of North Carolina missed a 4-minute mile by less than a second Saturday night in a scintilating finish to the boys RunningLane Track Championships at […]
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Kayla Werner of Virginia and Kevin Sanchez of Texas won the Running Lane Track Championships 3200m titles Friday night at Milton Frank Stadium. Werner easily won in […]
Tennessee Valley Outsiders are a diverse, adrenaline-fueled group, and it’s a good bet that many are familiar with skateboards and Tony Hawk. Shredders will have a chance May 31 to […]
The annual Wet Dog Triathlon on the Tennessee River in Decatur is a solid event for novices or anyone prepping for another event. This year’s Wet Dog is No. 21 […]