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New Garmin Fitness Report Shows Year-Round Trend

Garmin Fitness Report

The champagne has been popped and Auld Lang Syne has been sung. Now what? Many people use this time as an opportunity to set new goals. Before you get too focused on how to change habits, take time to appreciate how far you’ve come with a look at the 2023 Garmin fitness report.

As with years past, we decided to look into the data collected in the Garmin Connect app. It’s a tool used by millions of fitness lovers worldwide to track just about every health and fitness metric.

As an athlete, you already know you need a foundation to build on. Rather than getting too crazy about completely changing, examine successes from 2023. Data doesn’t lie.

Based on total activity counts, here’s how Garmin users moved the most this year:

  1. Running 
  2. Walking
  3. Cycling
  4. Strength Training
  5. Indoor Cardio

Didn’t see your preferred fitness routine included? Don’t worry — we have plenty more data where that came from in the fitness report. Keep reading to learn which of our activity categories showed serious growth in 2023 as compared to 2022. Spoiler alert: It’s most of them.

Read the entire article here.

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