Andrew Bustos was running fast and free last Sunday morning in the 9th annual Wade Mountain Marathon, and it showed with his easy win in the area’s toughest trail event. […]
MOORESVILLE, Ala. — Dane Ard and London Cox sped to the winners’ stand in the second annual Singing River 10K on Aug. 31 at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. Ard, 17, […]
Jose Munoz and Sheridan Santinga claimed top honors in the second annual Race for Justice 10K on Labor Day at Joe Davis Stadium. The 10K, 5K and 1-mile fun run […]
WINCHESTER, Tenn. — The trails at Tims Ford State Park are clean and runnable, albeit a bit hilly here and there, as they skirt the edge of the massive lake […]
Death Trail gives no, um, cares for anyone willing to make the climb from the bottom of McKay Hollow to the top of the overlook, which is where the Wild […]
Winter running aficionados can whet their appetite this year with three events in the new RunningLane Winter Wild Thangs Trail Series. The three events kick off in December at Monte […]
Emily Crispi posted the fourth-best women’s finish in seven years of the Wild Thangs Big Foot 10K trail run Saturday morning at Monte Sano State Park. Crispi, of Huntsville, finished […]
Whooooo, what a busy couple of weeks for runners, racers, bikers and fun-seekers! Summer finally is here and our TVO Roundup is loaded with results from folks getting it done […]
Final thoughts, notes and tidbits from the the 44th Cotton Row Run 10K held on Memorial Day in downtown Huntsville: Runners in the 10K found cloudy skies and humid conditions […]
HUNTSVILLE — David Bett of Hawai’i captured the 44th Cotton Row Run on Monday, bringing a bit of hauʻoli to the legendary Memorial Day 10K. Bett, of Wailuku, finished second […]