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Tahoe 200 Conquered by Schneekloth in 3 Days

Martin Schneekloth of Huntsville added the Tahoe 200 ultramarathon to his list of successful events, finishing the 200-miler in a little more than three days.

The event actually is 205 miles and hits elevations of 9,000 feet Total elevation gain is approximately 33,600 feet. Schneekloth completed about 63 miles per day. His finishing time was 3 days, 3 hours, 21 minutes.

The route went around about two-thirds of Lake Tahoe. Race officials rerouted the 200-mile and 100k courses due to the 2021 Caldor Fire. Officials created an out-and-back course with stunning views of the area’s mountains. The normal route is a full loop around the lake.

Tahoe 200 Training

Schneekloth posted on his Facebook page that the Tahoe 200 training, race and finish was emotionally overwhelming:

This weekend was one of my most memorable and definitely most emotional ultra marathon experiences ever. Having completed nearly 150 ultras, the emotional bit was very unexpected and it hit me on the final descent of the @destinationtrailraces Tahoe 200 Mile Endurance Run with two miles to go to the finish. I was overcome with sudden emotion and while I was able to hold them back on that descent, the flood gates opened as I saw my wife standing there at the finish under the arch waiting for me along with my crew lining the finish line chute.

A lot of hard work went into this race and I was supported by an unreal group of friends, some of whom didn’t even know each other until race morning. They all came together fully committed to help me accomplish my goal. Everyone genuinely cared for me and my success at this race and in the process, they all bonded as well.

I now they did, because I witnessed the conversations and interactions between them during the race at aid station stops and during our post race celebratory dinner.

I chose this pic (the photo above) because to me it encapsulates that ultra running is about a lot more than just running and this weekend proved it to me. I’ll be sharing a lot more about this incredible weekend soon, but for now it’s food and sleep.

Schneekloth is a native of Germany who races locally and abroad. He posts race updates and sponsor information on his site, Ultra Kraut Running.

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