Hayden Maples overcame heat and 17 competitors to complete 10 yards and win the inaugural Devils Racetrack Backyard Ultra at Wade Mountain Nature Preserve.
Maples, of Cullman, began the 10th yard — a 4.167-mile trail loop known as Devils Racetrack — with Martin Schneekloth of Huntsville. But Schneekloth returned to the starting line after less than half the loop due to cramps. Other competitors battled cramps as temperatures pushed into the high 70s early in the morning.

The race was put on by Fringe Events. Wade Mountain Nature Preserve is part of the Land Trust of Huntsville and Madison County. It is 935 acres of mostly single-track trails through rocky terrain in hardwood forest habitat. Part of Devils Racetrack tops Wade Mountain, offering a good view south toward Huntsville. Runners had to pace about 14:20 per mile to complete the yard before the next one began.
Consistent Running
After opening with his first Devils Racetrack Backyard Ultra yard in 52 minutes, Maples dropped into a rhythm in the upper 40s for his next six yards. Runners began each loop on the hour and had to be in the starting chute before the bell. Finishing quickly provided more time to rest and fuel, but sapped energy. Finishing close to the starting bell meant less time for those. It was a dance of balance, as these endurance ultras prove to be each time.
Maples and Schneekloth posted times in the low 50s on the eighth yard before creeping into the mid-50s for the ninth. Maples pushed it with 56:54, with Schneekloth about a minute ahead. But the 10th yard claimed the latter as cramps set in. Maples finished with a strong push, knocking about six minutes off his final time.
Three women competed. Meredity Parks and Janice Anderson, both of Huntsville, completed four yards. Christy Scott of Huntsville, completed six.
All competitors received a big ol’ DNF and cap signifying the feat. If you’re not first, you’re last … that’s how it is in these events. There’s only one winner.